Thursday, November 10, 2011

A tape recorder and a dream....

#7 - Interview one of my favorite bands

As previously stated, I have an undying passion for writing, especially about music! And when I figured that out, I couldn't help but let myself be consumed by it. I wanted to be that girl who always got her story, especially while getting the opportunity to talk to musicians who have changed my life.

In college, I would have easily said my only favorite non-classic rock band was Jupiter Sunrise. They were sweet, charismatic & helped me through many different stages of my young adult life. I would not have been the same without them. I may have never gotten the chance to interview and write an article about them, but some of the conversations I managed to partake in with those band members will always hold a special place in my heart.

Fast forward to now, while Jupiter Sunrise may still be on that list, other bands have taken up residence with them. Now I'm sure most people would wonder why I couldn't be satisfied with just meeting and getting an autograph and/or picture with my faves....sometimes it's just not enough. By nature, I'm curious to know more about everything. For example, I remember getting so engrossed in the movie Stigmata that I started researching and learning everything I could about the strange phenomena. Eventually I lose interest in the topic (but retain the info), but with's almost like an addiction. I can never get enough of it. 

I'm hoping with the new year (and my determination to keep my resolutions), that I will finally reach up for my dream and grab hold of it. My current goal is for Bonnie Dune. I know there have been in-depth interviews already done, but I'm not satisfied. I want to touch that goal for myself. I'm itching to make sure that in my journey to become a music journalist, I accomplish personal goals. Because while I could write about anyone or anything, isn't it more rewarding when you reach for something that you want? 


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